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High-Speed BroadBand Plans
NBN BroadBand
Longreach Wireless BroadBand
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Terms and Conditions
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NetSpeed Internet Communication provide efficient and professional Internet solutions to home and business users. From modem dial-up to high-speed Internet access via TransACT Cable, ADSL and Longreach Wireless.

No matter what your connections needs are, NetSpeed are proud to deliver a high quality service to you at an affordable price with rock-solid reliability. NetSpeed were the first full-service ISP to support the TransACT broadband network and remain at the forefront of broadband technology in Canberra.

TransACT Cable and iBurst Wireless services are available in specified areas. All other services are available Australia-wide.

All NetSpeed customers enjoy the following features with every connection plan :

Technical support hours are between 8am and 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 1pm Saturdays. Use of any plan is subject to NetSpeed's Terms & Conditions

* Subject to our technical support policy
** Customers on TransACT or dial-in plans have access to free off-peak downloads. Refer to our off-peak policy for information.


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Copyright © 1994-2024 NetSpeed Communications ABN 49 052 315 812    |    27 July 2024    |    Phone 02 6282 8282