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High-Speed BroadBand Plans
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Off-Peak Policy
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NetSpeed were the first to provide a free off-peak download quota for many of its Broadband and Dial-in connection plans.

Simply put - anything you download from the Internet between midnight and 7:00am on the same day will be counted as part of your off-peak quota. With NetSpeed's off-peak service you can download many many more files, movies, games, MP3's and emails than you ever could before without eating into your regular monthly peak-download quota.

Check out our connection plans to see just how much more you can download with NetSpeed's off-peak bonus.

This offer is open to all customers who are on a connection plan that has an included off-peak download allowance.

The time clock on our authentication server will be the sole clock source used to determine connection and disconnection times. The time zone used will be Australian Eastern Standard Time then Australian Eastern Summer Time from the commencement of daylight savings time in the ACT. All other terms and conditions still apply.


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