Why Gordon's a CHRISTian

Don't even bother reading on, if you don't have an open mind

Arrrggghhhh - let me outta here!

To begin,

Jesus is the ONLY religious leader who actually claimed that he was (equal with) God.
(see John chapters 1:1, 5, 6, 8:58, 10:33 and 14)

That's a BIG claim.

But if you believe there is a God (or might be one), then Jesus must logically be the first place to start looking.
Next you have to look at Jesus' claim to be God, and I'm sure you'll agree that there are only 2 alternatives.
Either His claims were:

False or True

If He KNEW His claims were FALSE then:

His life was a deliberate misrepresentation
He was also a FOOL, because He died for his deception, even though he had plenty of chances to change His story.

can you believe that someone who lived as Jesus lived, taught as Jesus taught, and died as Jesus died, could have been a deliberate liar?


If He DID NOT know His claims were FALSE, then:
He was sincerely DELUDED and He was a LUNATIC.

His teachings and following have grown; His "perfection" has been envied by great and ordinary alike. Then his delusion must be the greatest the world has seen. Can you believe that someone as deluded as this could achieve such a following, even 2000 years after His death?

If what Jesus said about himself is TRUE then:
He IS Lord and you can either:


If you decide to reject Him you must also accept that he will REJECT YOU just as He said. You don't really expect that you can reject Jesus' love all your life, and expect that He will then welcome you with open arms, do you? Actually, He just gives you what YOU want!

If you accept Jesus' claims, then He must surely become your LORD (and saviour). Obviously, you'll want to commit your ways to His guidance.

In either case, you'll have to check out the Bible to see whether the evidence is believable or not, and find out what Jesus actually did say.


Here's why can't I "prove" CHRISTianity to you?

God created us in His own image (Genesis 1:27), so He could have a relationship with us (2 Corinthians 2:16-19, John 3:16).

If God's existence could be proved, then we'd have no choice but to believe; we'd be robots; our relationship would not be based on love, but on duty. Love relationships are, and must be, voluntary, and that's the sort of relationship God wants to have with us. So, to have a loving relationship with God, you have to choose to have it. This is where faith comes in. That's why God gives us free choice. (BTW, we've used this free choice to create starvation, spread of disease, and many other awful things in the world. If God were to intervene all the time, we wouldn't have free choice, would we?) Those who have faith in Jesus can come and receive God's excellent blessings. Otherwise you'll stay blind to what God has to offer you.

Consider; you may never have seen my father, and I may not be able to bring him to you, for you to see with your own eyes, but you'll never convince me that he doesn't exist. It's the same thing with my heavenly father.

You make your own decision(s), but decide you will, even if you sit on the fence, or claim ignorance. Remember, your default position is rejection of Him, as it would be with any other relationship based on love.


First we have to ask whether we're talking about the science presented by atheists or the science presented by CHRISTians. Unforntunately most church people have tried to fit atheistic science into the bible experience. Hmmm.... and in doing so have made a mockery of themselves and the authority of the bible.

Thinking CHRISTians accept the scientific method and don't try to talk flat earth arguments. There is a good scientific evidence to support what the bible says. Are you aware of it? I reckon that 90% of people in churches are NOT aware that there is good scientific evidence to both, support the bible, and show the inadequacies of the atheistic scientific view.

My favourite site on the net to help answer these sorts of questions is: CREATION MINISTRIES <-- click here to go and have a look for yourself. Check out the "questions and answers" section. I subscribe to their magazine - the most uplifting magazine I read.

You don't have to throw away your brain to be(come) a CHRISTian!!!


Most people believe in long ages of evolution, but have they thought through the implications of that line of thinking?
If they think it through, the long-age evolution choice may not be quite so palatable.

If your're still game to have your thinking challenged even further,
then see why THE ALTERNATIVE SUCKS!!! <-- Just click here.


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